
Friday, February 10, 2012

in the beginning.

In the beginning, two divorcees met and fell in love.

After they fell in love, they got married.

After they got married, they bought a house, then another house, and did a boatload of traveling.

After they bought a house, and then another house, and did a boatload of traveling, they decided to settle down and consider starting a family.

After they settled down and considered starting a family, they went to see many doctors to see why they could not simply "get pregnant".

After they saw so many doctors to see why they could not simply "get pregnant", they went to a very good fertility clinic and decided to try IVF (Invitro Fertilization).

After they decided to try IVF, they were blessed to discover that they were pregnant - on the first try!

After they discovered they were pregnant on the first try, they found out it was twins!

After they discovered it was twins, they discovered they were going to have twin boys!

After they discovered that they were going to have twin boys, they decided to name them Jacob and Zachary.

After they decided to name them Jacob and Zachary, they sadly learned that their twins would perish, due to unexplained preterm labor.

After their twins perished due to unexplained preterm labor, they were horribly sad and broken.

After they were horribly sad and broken, they decided to try again.

After they decided to try again, they returned to their clinic and used one of their frozen embryos.

After they used their frozen embryos, they learned they were pregnant - again!

After they learned they were pregnant again, they learned they were pregnant with a little girl.

After they learned they were pregnant with a little girl, they decided to name her Chelsea Hope.

And after they learned that, Chelsea Hope was born; alive, but five weeks prematurely.

After Chelsea Hope was born early, she spent ten days in the NICU and then she came home.

After she came home, they all settled in as a family, and stayed that way for more than two years.

After staying that way for two years, they asked themselves:  Should we try to have more children?  If so, how?

After they asked themselves these questions, they began to pray about adoption.

After they began to pray about adoption, there was a beautiful picture of a little boy in Bulgaria.

After seeing the picture of the little boy in Bulgaria, they decided they wanted to bring him home.

It's not all that simple, but that's how it started.  That's how we began the journey to Bulgaria, to bring home our son.

1 comment:

  1. That is very beautiful put ! Thank-you for sharing this ......praying for Ian o come home fast !


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