
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

At last! Pictures!

Apparently, I can upload pictures in Google Chrome, but NOT in Internet Explorer!

Our little boy, dressed to leave Pleven:

Scared and unsure in his first hotel lobby...

Asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed (after refusing the pack and play crib!)

After his first bath.  He did fairly well with it, and definitely needed it!

Talking with Daddy.

A small bit of sightseeing in Sofia; such a big day for a little boy who had never traveled much beyond his city block...

Fed, and fed, and fed...never hungry again!

"We're going to America?  Awesome!  Let's go now!"

After a fairly good plane ride, and a very long way....we're home.  And there's a lot to smile about at home:

Trying to get a picture of the two children, but Joshua is convinced that HE is the star!

Covered in juice!

This is what redemption looks like.  This is what it means to save a child from a dark place.  In spite of more dishes, more laundry, and a whole lot of doctor's appointments, it is worth it.  HE is worth it.

Thank you.  Thank you for helping us bring our son home.  Thank you for blessing our family.

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